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Dr. David Tzuriel Video on Learning Potential

This video on learning potential by Dr. David Tzuriel; explores the influence of peers in learning, and also by using dynamic assessment one can expand what the notion of intelligence is-which is often limited in a traditional psychometric test. Motivation, affect and changing how we learn internally known as structural cognitive modifiability are all factors in learning potential. The problem is since many schools are often interested in teaching content, and not other factors such as the direct teaching of processes, or cognitive functions essential to learning

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Dr. David Martin Speaking On The Sam Cephas Show on instrumental Enrichment In Schools

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On Cognitive Education

Over 60 years the work of Dr, Reueven Feuerstein of Israel has been applied in the teaching field as well as assessment. Dr. Feuerstein believes that all humans are an open system, and can change with the right kind of intervention. With the focus on change, restructuring in the brain happens (structural cognitive modifiability). This differs from the traditional training- behavioral way of looking at learning. Through a special technique known as mediated learning children can learn how to learn. The mediator is a teacher or parent etc., focuses on change as they are intervening, known as intentionality. The mediator also interacts with the child or adult to steer the interaction towards a certain goal or meaning. This could be the tone of their voice or emphasizing the cognitive concept or function. They also will transcend the immediacy of what is learned to new situations-transcendence. In the 80s to 90s several cities implemented programs that focused on cognitive processing. This is called cognitive education programs.

School reform using cognitive education programs happened in: Taunton MA, Detroit MI, and Nashville TN. Cognitive education curricula such as Bright Start /Cognitive Curriculum for Young Children -Haywood Brooks and Burn, as well as Instrumental Enrichment-R Feuerstein were implemented in these cities..

Instrumental Enrichment teaches several cognitive functions essential for the increasing demands of content learning. These functions include; precision and accuracy, labeling and comparing. This is a brief list of some of the cognitive functions that are mediated in the program. The organization International Consulting and Trade Associates, Inc. is available to come to schools in order to give workshop on implementing Instrumental Enrichment in schools.

Howard Sharron wrote a book that includes some history of the Feuerstein approach of Instrumental Enrichment:

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Recent Training In The Vygotskian Approach

Dr Yuriy Karpov recently went to Cape Town South Africa and delivered a five day workshop on Vygotsky and his theories. He has also written on dynamic assessment, and a fairly new monograph entitled: ” The Neo-Vygotskian Approach To child Development”

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